​The Association welcomes all shipmates, navy, marines, Ships Company, air group personnel who served at some time on a USS Lexington CV 16 (all her designations) or on the USS Lexington CV 2.

​A dues/donation of $25 per year is requested, which supports the publication of the newsletter as well as our annual scholarship program which offers financial support to a deserving Association family member who is enrolled in a continuing educational program.  An application form to join the Association can be obtained by clicking here and you become a member by submitting it and sending $25.00 to our treasurer Eric Friedli, at 12734 19th Ave NE .  Seattle WA 98125, or paying online with the link provided on the main page. 

A newsletter is published tri-annually by our editor, Greg Plante.  The Association also makes donations agreed upon at our annual reunions; typically those donations have gone to the USS Lexington Museum on the Bay; the U.S. Navy Memorial and select local memorials recommended by shipmates and voted on by the membership.

And everyone is invited to the annual reunion to meet old and new shipmates.

USS Lexington CV16/CVA16/CVS16/CVT16/AVT16 and CV2

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Become a Member of the USS LEXINGTON CV 16 ASSOCIATION