The SUNRISE PRESS began as a daily ship's letter in 1943 and continued throughout World War II. During the war the articles were datelined from all over the world keeping the crew updated on the war effort and appraised of stories from home. After the war articles of a more personal nature were presented and the crew enjoyed reading about their shipmates.

After recommishioning in August 1955 the ship's newsletter was published under other names but it seemed only fitting that the Association newsletter use the original USS Lexington CV 16 newsletter name.

Currently we are changing from a four (4) issue schedule to a three (3) issue, published each year. 

Why we did this is simple. To better use the funds raised thru dues. While not going into the exact numbers here, it is sufficient to say that one issue, January, was somewhat unnecessary. The main existence of the Press is to disseminate information about our reunions, and very little existed as soon as January. All of the other interesting things are for entertainment purposes and considered... a bonus. We are going to add another sheet to the newsletter, which will provide 4 more pages. This will provide not only a better product, in the editor's opinion, but one more diverse. Plus, after reunions, it will allow more space for recaps and photos to share with everyone that couldn't make it.

The new schedule of frequency you can expect beginning in 2022 will be each March, July, and November.                   

USS Lexington CV16/CVA16/CVS16/CVT16/AVT16 and CV2

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